Today's Market Store Hours:   11:00am - 5:30pm | Walk IN Market Open
Shoreside Express market orders are pre-paid online for in-store or curbside pickup. If you have any questions please call 440-951-6448. Hot orders take about 20-30 minutes and we will do the best to expedite in a timely fashion.

Sea Pact Calls on the House of Representatives to Oppose Legislation to Weaken the Sustainability of U.S. Fisheries

June 25, 2018

Back in December, Euclid Fish, along with many other seafood companies signed an Industry Joint Letter to request consideration of additional industry perspectives on the reauthorization of the Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA).  Overall, the letter stressed that any legislation to amend the law governing fisheries conservation needed to do four key things: Maintain the competitive advantage that U.S. seafood has in the marketplace; protect the fundamental tenets of science-based management; ensure transparency in the management process; and encourage new marketing opportunities. Unfortunately, H.R. 200 contains several provisions that are in direct contrast to our recommendations...

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 200, a bill that will significantly weaken science-based management and the sustainability of U.S. fisheries. The vote has just been scheduled for Tuesday, June 26th.

Please view our statement below:

“Euclid Fish Company calls on the House of Representatives to oppose H.R. 200. This legislation risks the United States’ competitive advantage in the marketplace and weakens the sustainability of our fisheries. The U.S. is a global model for science-based, transparent and stakeholder-driven management under the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), and we take pride in delivering seafood that meets the highest standards. Unfortunately, H.R. 200 would make fundamental changes to the MSA, including increasing the risk of overfishing, undermining science and reducing accountability. These changes impact our business and U.S. consumers who demand sustainability. We urge Congress to oppose H.R. 200 and focus on supporting new market opportunities for sustainable U.S. seafood. "

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